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Welcome to My Net-Site

This is the version of my website optimized for Netscape 4.7 and IE 5.5! If you're using a more recent browser, see my normal homepage.
Links on this page will assume you are using protoweb and ucanet unless otherwise specified with a "*" next to the link, to indicate a website accessable without those and over http.

A "**" will be used if I have to link something for a modern browser. Some of these links may be viewable on older browsers with webone, but no promises.

an image of a cat that isn't mine

About Me

Hi! I'm Cat, and this is my home on the internet! I enjoy pretty art, space travel, old tech and writing websites. This section of my website is built for my personal web setup on windows 98, and as such has links to places on the protoweb, ucanet, and standard http sites, while being built for Netscape's Navigator 4.79 and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.5. I've tried my best to keep greater compatibility though, and I hope you can enjoy the links that I've compiled here, as well as anything else I decide to host here.


ioletsgo dot gay site built with windows notepad the colour of fear