
Click to expand

(click on the images )

For some reason, some of these images turn sideways when expanded in PaleMoon or SeaMonkey?
As such I'd recommend opening them in a new tab if that does happen.

Pixel art of several wind turbines in a field under a cloudy sky. Pixel art of a deep blue and green platform on a lightly cloudy orange and red sky, with green vegetation far enough down that it's impossible to make out detail. The clouds in the sky give the impression of a light breeze, and the platform is shaking, lightly, in the wind. Because the platform is drawn at an isometric angle but the background is not, it gives the impression that the platform is tilted or falling over. The background to the album cover of Weezer's "Make Believe", but rendered as pixel art. Because it's only the background, the band, album name, and band name aren't shown.

[Chicago 2024]

These are photos I took during a trip to Chicago in early August of 2024

Photograph of the Willis Tower from a ground perspective. The top is poking into the clouds. Photograph of a sculpture of a pterodactyl at the Field Museum. Photograph of a subway station, looking off the platform and down one of the tunnels. Photograph of Lake Michigan. At the bottom of the shot is a large concrete pad running along the shore. The concrete looks similar to sand. Photograph of a Lunar Module training artical, at the Museum of Science and Industry. Photograph of the inside of U505, looking out through the top, at the Museum of Science and Industry. Photograph of 4 helicopters flying towards the top right of the image. In the bottom left, the top of a skyscraper is visible. Photograph of several wind turbines in a field under a lightly cloudy sky.
